Send us your proposal


Elysia Capital supports sustainable entrepreneurial initiatives.

We choose those business models that enhance the welfare of society in the fields of innovation, art and culture, education, wellbeing and social impact. 

We believe in entrepreneurs who think big and aim at making a positive difference with their business.  

We invest worldwide because great entrepreneurial ideas have no boundaries.

Complete your form

Upon completing the information requested below, the User is aware and accepts that Project-related information sent voluntarily to Elysia Capital shall not be considered "Confidential". Should the User deem it necessary to keep Project-related information (either entirely or partly) confidential, they are encouraged not to provide it via the website.

CORPORATE DETAILS (where available)
PROJECT DETAILS (complete even if they are the same as the corporate details)

Upload the business plan and/or the pitch also containing (if available) the last approved financial statements and the income statement, both past and forecast, for 3 years*
(NB: maximum size 3MB per file):

* Mandatory fields