14 June 2022
La Stampa
La società fondata dal torinese Stefano Buono ha sede a Londra: a Torino lavora un gruppo di ricercatori specializzati l'energia che viene dall'atomo può anche essere usata per produrre idrogeno. L'obiettivo comune: azzerare la CO2
23 May 2022
Il Corriere della Sera
The physicist-entrepreneur, father of the biotech AAA, anticipates the closing of the second round of Newcleo capitals. The agreements with London and Paris
"We work on a safe nuclear using lead instead of water to cool, thus eliminating the chemical risk. Our approach is to reduce the volume of radioactive waste produced. Not only that: our technology allows to use waste as fuel, thus creating a virtuos circle".
19 April 2022
Il Sole 24 Ore
Torino, decolla il polo dell’energia che studia il nucleare sostenibile
Nel quartiere Crocetta il centro di sviluppo della tecnologia Newcleo. Buono: «Con 300 milioni aumentiamo il capitale, obiettivo public company»
16 March 2022
La Stampa
Energy, newcleo signs agreement with ENEA to develop safe and innovative nuclear systems
Produce energy safely, reliably and sustainably through innovative small-scale nuclear systems, to be built outside of Italy. This is in summary the aim of the agreement signed by newcleo, company for the development of innovative nuclear systems of the fourth generation, and ENEA, which provides for the creation of small Advanced Modular Reactors cooled by lead instead of water, much more simple and reliable.
16 March 2022
Lanieri chooses Myvisto to launch its spring summer 2022 collection
Myvisto was chosen to follow 360 degrees (from creativity, to logistics and production) the photographic and video campaign, created between the fantastic frames of Cefalù and the Arianna Labyrinth, one of the beautiful works of contemporary art that make up the Fiumara D'Arte.
27 January 2022
Italian space company D-Orbit to go public via SPAC at a $1.4 billion valuation
“We have made tremendous progress developing and proving our unique ION technology, as well as building a dedicated customer base to which we have provided last-mile satellite-delivery and advanced infrastructure services for more than eight years,” D-Orbit CEO Luca Rossettini said in a statement.
25 January 2022
Il Sole 24 Ore
Planet Smart City, the increase of 60 million and within 3 years the first Ipo.
The operation aims to support the launch of 54 projects in the target countries. Since its inception in 2015, it has raised over €160 million (of which €55 million in 2021), from 386 institutional and private investors.
31 August 2021
The Times
Stefano Buono's newcleo wins backing for AMR nuclear reactor. An Italian physicist and entrepreneur has raised $118 million to develop a new type of nuclear power technology that he claims will be safer, cleaner and cheaper than existing reactors.
03 July 2021
Vanity Fair
Si chiama «smart social housing»: è un nuovo modo di abitare, hi-tech e sostenibile. «Planet Smart City» offre abitazioni di alta qualità a costi accessibili, con tanto di infrastrutture, tecnologie smart e pratiche di innovazione sociale. Ne parla Susanna Marchionni, co-founder dell'azienda.
14 June 2021
Rilassati e distanziati. La vacanza sicura in barca a vela com Sailogy. Il 2020 è stato un anno anomalo quanto sorprendente. Inevitabilmente, realtà che operano nel settore turismo sono state messe a dura prova.
24 May 2021
La Repubblica
Planet raccoglie 200 milioni e si scalda per il Nasdaq. Fondata da due torinesi ha l’obiettivo di costruire grandi quartieri di case a prezzi contenuti e tecnologie digitali al top. E grazie a progetti in Brasile sta registrando un boom di ricavi.
24 March 2021
Il Sole 24 Ore
Compagnia di San Paolo aggrega cento soci nel polo delle start up. I piani di Compagnia di San Paolo e Fondazione CRT, con 100 soci coivoilti.
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